Beautiful Bath Salts ( Epsom & Himalayan salt , dried flowers)


Just as the weather is starting to change I’ve made a new batch of my Bath Salts. I love relaxing and unwinding in a warm bath.

You can use the basic recipe and add any essential oils that you prefer. I change up the essential oil blends according to how I would like to feel or if there is anything specific I need support with.

These bath salts are super simple to make and are also a great gift.

SERENITY Essential oil is the oil of Tranquility. It is a calming blend that helps to relinquish feelings of anxiety, stress and overwhelm. It helps to quiet the mind and helps you to unwind.

YLANG YLANG is the oil of the inner child. It allows emotional healing to flow naturally.

Epsom salts - are known to soothe skin, reduce and relieve soreness, pain and stress. Remove harmful toxins and balance the body.

Himalayan salt - is known to nourish and detox the body.

Bicarbonate of soda - assists in detox and absorbs oils from the skin.

There is a video at the end of the post to show just how simple it is to make these Bath Salts.

Beautiful Bath Salts

240g Epsom Salts

120g coarse Himalayan salt / Sea salt

60g Bicarbonate of Soda

12 drops of CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) Essential oil. I used 6 drops each of Serenity and Ylang Ylang.

Dried flowers (Optional). I used dried rose petals and dried calendula flowers)


Mix all the ingredients well together and place into sealable jars.

To use:

Run warm bath, add salts and enjoy your


If you would like to purchase of find out more about these oils. Please click below.

Green Mandarin, Wild orange & Grapefruit Hand & Body Scrub


Hey lovelies. Do you schedule time for your selfcare or are you like me who squeezes it in whenever I can. As a mum sometimes that is what you have to do. I love taking a moment for myself after I have done the dishes or after I’ve put the kids to bed. Using this scrub on your hands and body is a lovely way to take care of yourself and your skin.

I really enjoy making my own (DIY) natural beauty and home cleaning products. The more I think about it the more I remember watching my Mum making her own natural beauty products when I was growing up.

For the last couple of years I’ve been working on reducing and eliminating our toxic load. That is chemicals and toxins that are in our home. Most of these come in products that we use and put on our bodies or that are in products that we use to clean our homes. By making my own products I know what is contained in them #nonasties.

I have also recorded a video below to show you how to make this scrub.



Green Mandarin - Is the oil of pure potential. It has uplifting, refreshing, cleansing and calming properties.

Grapefruit - Is the oil of honouring the body. It has antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-toxin properties.

Wild Orange - Is the oil of abundance. It has energising, antiseptic, antidepressant properties.


1/2 heaped cup of raw cane sugar

1/2 cup melted and cooled coconut oil

10 - 15 drops dóterra citrus essential oils (I used green mandarin, wild orange and grapefruit)

  • Mix everything together in a bowl or jug and place into a glass jar to store.

  • TO USE: Use on wet skin and rub in circular motions on hands or from the feet upwards. Rinse off with warm water.

  • Your skin will be super soft, look, feel and smell amazing.

N.B - Coconut oil will solidify in cooler climates, simply scoop out scrub and as you r rub between your hands your body heat will melt the oil.

In warmer clients you may need to add extra sugar to create the desired consistency.

If you would like to purchase these oils click the link below for my online store.

I also have a blog post on how to purchse essential oils which can be found here.


We love making our own natural beauty products. It’s really fun especially when the kids get interested and involved in the process. I started making my own beauty products as part of the plan to reduce the toxic load in our home. When I discovered how many chemicals are used in most beauty products and that it only takes 26 seconds for them to enter your blood stream. (I know shocking !!!). I decided to do something about it.

Ever since I was introduced to essential oils, having experienced the pure and high quality of Dóterra, I’ve been empowered to change our lives. I’ve been on this journey learning about natural solutions and improving my family’s health by reducing and eliminating our exposure to toxins, one step at a time.

It is very important to check the quality of the essential oils you use, to make sure that there are no synthetic toxins or fillers used in them. Especially if you are putting them on your children’s and your skin !!!!!

We love having baths as part of our selfcare. When I decided to make a video to show how these gorgeous bath bombs are made, my 9 year old daughter jumped at the chance to be my assistant. The video is at the end of the recipe and you can watch her making her favourite bath bombs. Please leave a comment if you can, she will be so delighted :)

So here’s the recipe…..

Bath Bombs (1 of 1).jpg


1 Cup Citric Acid ( this can be bought at your local chemist/pharmacy)

1 Cup Baking/ Bread Soda

1/2 Cup Cornflour / Cornstarch

1/2 Cup Fractionated Coconut Oil (you can use melted and cooled coconut oil)

10 drops of Citrus Essential Oil

Food Colouring, we used red

Sprinkles (Optional)


In a large bowl add citric acid add coconut oil and mix together. Add baking soda, cornflour, colouring and mix until combined.

Get your moulds ready, we used a madeleine tins for the shell shape and a silicone muffin mould. Place sprinkles into the moulds.

Spoon in the bath bomb mix and press into the moulds. Add extra sprinkles ontop if desired and leave to harden overnight.